Tuesday, November 2, 2010

...And while I want to put a frame around the plate (there's no room on the Camaro so that made the decision easy), it is Against the law to block any part of the plate.  So just to be aware, and this may only be in NJ, but if you have ANYTHING around your plate...and it covers ANY part of the plate, the Police officers have carte blanche to stop you.  Several recent articles in the Newark Star Ledger highlight police stops...and when they found nothing, they wrote a ticket for the frame..otherwise it would be an illegal stop, and you could sue..some car dealers profess that they know this and would reimburse the driver of one of their cars, because the advertising value was worth it.  WORTH IT?  Just don't have one too may...  .08 is hard to beat..used to be .15.  Not advocating anything, but who needs to be stopped for no apparent reason....and remember Murpy's and his law(s).

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